

Dream Archive is a domain where visitors can place/archive their dreams. The project was realised as the central work of the exhibition Between Heaven and Earth, presented at 55 Biennale di Venezia /Croatian Pavillion /2013. So far, more than 2000 dreams in different languages have been collected in the Dream Archive.

The inclusion of a large number of participants creates a global 'pool' of dreams; opens a space to explore the phenomenon of dreams, and what it is that people dream about today. Dream Archive asks questions to which we still don't have the answers - why do people dream, and what is the function of the unconscious in the construction of reality. Despite all the paradoxes in which we live, today's world is functioning increasingly as a multiplied, pre-agreed construction of the conscious 'self'. This dominant model of experience of reality, and constructing the reality, is a ready-made blueprint that we are born into and in which we are formed. Images of the world, which the conscious self today emits with increasing speed most often serve purely to maintain or add to these constructions. Our understanding of the world basically does not include the knowledge and the power of the psychological spaces behind the conscious self /among which the unconscious is particularly emphasized/, nor its assistance in the personal discovery of the mystery of existence on its universal level. Our civilization defines the psychic space of the unconscious solely as a space of suppression. At the same time this 'internal' space, defines us as the human beings much more than we are ready to acknowledge. We spend nearly half our lives asleep, in the unconscious, a fact which - for whatever reason - we refuse to address. And yet the systems of mass control, such as political and media manipulation, can only be avoided in sleep - sometimes we are truly 'awakened' only in dreams. Thus, the unconscious, primarily in our dreams, becomes one of the last oases of the internal and private that can still offer some resistance to the 'agreed' picture of the world.

Enter your dream and support the emancipation of the unconscious!

Kata Mijatović, artist
Branko Franceschi, curator
Ivan Kraljević, web designer

Cover photo: Kata Mijatović, Sleeping between the Sky and the Earth, performance realised in the sculpture by Croatian artist Ivan Kožarić, The Shape of the Space /Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb/ 2010

Within the project is open a facebook page